We offer a variety of in-house Enneagram Application Programmes from Leader and Team facilitation to Organisational Development, Change Management and Employee Engagement. You name it and we can develop it for internal use in your organisation. Below are our two Flagship Progammes.

Coaching with the Enneagram Style Indicator (ESI)

Our ESI Accreditation Accreditation Programme presents nine leadership styles or lenses of viewing the world, offering quick yet deep insight into  leader and team strengths and challenges. The Programme presents practical skills in how to coach leaders and teams with the ESI.

Managing with the Enneagram

This programme, based on the Enneagram model of human behaviour, focuses on developing key management skills by gaining insight into your own leadership style as well as those of others. Leaders will be able to access a variety of constructive leadership approaches.

Developed by Galactic Digital