If your company is preparing for or going through a major culture change, this workshop helps align culture to strategy, so that culture fully supports strategy. This workshop follows after our Organisational Culture Diagnostic Process.

Course Overview:

We will co-partner in addressing the following focus areas:

  • Aligning culture to strategy
  • Developing systemic, strategic change initiatives
  • Managing the organisational culture change process
  • Addressing resistance and remove barriers
  • Supporting an evolving, yet sustainable company culture

Who could benefit:

  • The Top Executive
  • Board of Directors
  • HR specialists/practitioners.
  • Current organisational development practitioners.



  • A culture aligned to strategy
  • Strong systems and structures to support the evolving culture change
  • An adaptive, flexible company culture


    Leaders will gain skill in how to:

    • Align culture to strategy
    • Manage constant change
    • Deal with resistance and remove barriers
    • Remain resilient and agile while dealing with change

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