Each of us has different sensory triggers which can cause sensory overload in the work place. The Sensory Intelligence Assessment provides a comprehensive report of each person’s sensory thresholds and suggests ways to manage this.

What is Sensory Intelligence?

  • Sensory Intelligence measures leader or team sensory thresholds, and its impact on functioning in the work place .
  • The concise report indicates each individual’s sensory triggers and thresholds.
  • It suggests different approaches to mitigate the impact of specific sensory triggers.
  • It proposes how one can self-manage and self-regulate your sensory triggers in order to build sustained resilience.
  • As follow-up, individual or team coaching sessions are available for deeper understanding and management of sensory triggers.

Who can benefit:

  • Diverse teams that struggle to work together.
  • Open plan office environments that are distractive instead of collaborative.
  • People who find it difficult to focus and concentrate throughout the day.
  • Cases of high absenteeism and health-related issues.
  • People who battle with work-life balance.
  • People with low levels of energy and innovation.


  • Learn what sensory impulses trigger you in the workplace.
  • Learn what sensory impulses trigger others in the workplace.
  • Learn how to engage positively with others’ sensory triggers.
  • As a team learn to engage and perform better.
  • Learn how to self-manage and self-regulate to beat daily stress.
  • Improved colleague and team relationships.
  • Adapt open plan seating for higher productivity.
  • More focused, energised , productive and less distracted.
  • Boosts health and wellbeing.

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