Our ESI Accreditation Programme will prepare you to coach with the Enneagram Style Indicator (ESI), an online assessment report based on the Enneagram of Human Behaviour.

“This experience will allow any leader to have a much more informed discussion, with deeper insight into coaching, while supporting staff with their developmental areas. “
Esther Booysen, Change Consultant, ABSA

Why coach with the ESI?

The ESI has been used extensively over many years in a wide range of organisations and cultures globally for:

        • Leadership and team facilitation,
        • In-house and public workshops, as well as
        • One-on-one Management Coaching sessions.

Course Overview:

You will learn how to:

  • Utilise the ESI Leadership Report as a foundation of all coaching, training & development programmes.
  • Gain quick, yet deep insight into your clients’:
      •  structures of interpretation,
      •  personal and interpersonal challenges
      • developmental areas.
  • Conduct in-depth debriefs with clients using the ESI Leadership report as the map.
  • Utilise the report to open an ongoing dialogue and structure for the coaching process.
  • Use the suggested ESI client development plan in the ESI Reference Guide.
  • Enhance self-mastery for continual self-correction & self-generated learning in your clients.
  • Accredit as an ESI User on the successful completion of one comprehensive case study.


You will be able to:

  • Access an integral model of human behaviour.
  • Gain profound insight into your own strengths and challenges as coach or facilitator.
  • Get immediate deep insight into your clients’ beliefs, values, attitudes, as well as developmental paths.
  • Interpret reports and do in-depth debriefs with clients one-on-one.
  • Stimulate self-correction & self-generated learning in clients to ensure sustained performance improvement.
  • Engage in or facilitate challenging team conversations more productively.
  • Use the client developmental suggestions and plan in the ESI Reference Guide.
  • Become aware of the impact of a leader/team on the system.
  • Incorporate the ESI reports and Enneagram model into your existing Coaching & Consulting Programmes.
  • Build sustainable agility and resilience in leaders and teams.

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