A cohesive programme has been designed to assess and address all aspects standing in the way of full engagement.

Course Overview:

The programme focuses on:

    • Enhancing Head/Heart and Hands engagement.
    • Learning practical techniques and practices to become more engaged.
    • Gaining understanding into self and others.
    • Identifying elements lacking in the environment.
    • Development of competencies needed to be fully engaged.

Issues addressed are:

  • In which areas do employees display lack of engagement?
  • How do employees stay engaged?
  • How does each employee foster and sustain engagement?
  • How can employees manage their careers while staying engaged?
  • What is the company’s role in engagement?
  • How does the company develop a reliable retention strategy?

Who could benefit?

  • Employees on all levels
  • Middle Management
  • Senior Leaders
  • Teams on all levels


  • Employees will be able to manage their careers better.
  • Retaining key talent.
  • More enthused, engaged staff.
  • Enhanced capacity for problem solving.
  • Improved ability for decision-making.
  • Open and authentic communication.
  • Enhanced ability to have robust discussions.
  • Improved clarity on team roles and tasks.

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